INDEX TO PETITS PROPOS CULINAIRES 1-55, S Sabban, Françoise and Silvano Serventi
Saberi, Helen
Saberi, Helen (with Anissa Helou and Esteban Pombo-Villar)
saffron 7,17 saffron crocus 30,19 SAFFRON AND THE GOOD LIFE, Robert Johnson 41,30 St Ronan's Well 44,7 salad bowls 27,58; 28,63 A Salmagundi of Comments (NQ) 31,60 Salmon, Alice Wooledge
Salmon, Alice Wooledge with Hugo Dunn-Meynell
THE SALS OF THE INFIDELS, Charles Perry 26,55 Salzman, Catherine
samovar 4,62; 10,24 Samphire and 'Bazilles' (NQ) 17,67 SAMPHIRE, George Tee 15,40 Samuel, Delwen
sandwich, see The Wondrous Sandwich sandwiches 27,62; 31,60 Santich, Barbara
SARACEN CONNECTION #THE: ARAB CUISINE AND THE MEDIAEVAL WEST, C Anne Wilson 7,13; 8,19 sardine, definition of 2,38 SAUNDERS, Rita O'Brien 23,13 Savill, Rosalind
SAVOUR OF ICE AND OR ROSES, Elizabeth David 8,7 Scandinavia
Scappi, Bartolomeo 25,37-9 Scheller, Bill 39,7 SCHINCKEL'S SPICE POWDER, William Woys Weaver 10,39 Schneider, Edward
Schumacher-Voelker, Uta
Schuyler, Eugene
SCHUYLER'S 'DINER A LA RUSSE': SOME REFLECTIONS AND RECIPES, Joyce S Toomre 32,11 science in the kitchen 38,7 Scotland
Scott, Sir Walter 37,54; 44,7 SCOTTISH STUDENT FARE IN THE 16TH CENTURY, Mary McLeod Innes 28,40 screw pine 30,23 Scully, Terence
Sea Pie (NQ) 38,66; 43,66 Sea Pie in the British Navy (NQ) 41,67 seafood
Second Annual Ceretto Prize (NQ) 40,59 SECOND SYMPOSIUM OF AUSTRALIAN GASTRONOMY: A REPORT, Barbara Santich 22,30 Second Symposium on Jewish Food, 16 June 1991 (NQ) 36,60 Secrets Still Locked in the Casserole (NQ) 44,62 SEEING THROUGH GLASSE, Sarah Gillies 22,32 Segal, David
Selden, John 1,44 Semple, Anne
Senjed (NQ) 50,61 Sephardi cookery, see Audrey Levy sesame 30,24 THE SEVEN WONDERS OF KONYA, Alan Davidson 24,7 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY CHOCOLATE, Maggie Black 14,48 SEVENTH SYMPOSIUM OF AUSTRALIAN GASTRONOMY, Barbara Santich 43,32 Shaida, Margaret
Shakespeare, William 27,59 SHAKING THE PILLARS, Alan Davidson 11,40 shallot 30,22 Shand, Morton 20,11 sherbet, see also The Earlier History of Sherbet (NQ) SHERBET, SORBEC AND STEPONY, Ivan Day 48,16 shersh al halaweh, see A Spicy Mystery Shiells, Jack
Shipperbottom, Roy
SHORBA: A LINGUISTIC-CHEMICO-CULINARY ENQUIRY, Charles Perry 7,23 A SHORT QUESTION, (NQ) 19,58 Shrinking Mouths? (NQ) 17,68 Siesby, Birgit
SIGNIFICANT CHEMINOTS: a detail of food history from Madame Bovary, Rose Arnold 33,7 Simmons, J S G
Simnel Cakes (NQ) 20,76/7 SINGING LILLY, Maria Kaneva-Johnson 1,70 A Single-Recipe Book (NQ) 18,64 A Sinking Problem? (NQ) 29,61 SIR HUGH PLAT'S PROMOTION OF PASTA AS A VICTUAL FOR SEAMEN, Malcolm Thick 40,43 skate 25,60; 27,46 skyr 4,34 A Slippery Seafood (NQ) 22,72 Smith, Alice #Mrs Alice
Smith, Andrew F
Smith, Eliza 4,13; 5,49; 8,28; 9,28 Smith, Robert
Smokejacks (NQ) 2,75 Snail Syrup (NQ) 27,63 'SNAILS', 'CATERPILLARS' AND 'WORMS', Marjorie Cohn 27,20 SNAILTRAILS, Philip Hyman 23,23 snake cookery, see Viper etc; A Rattle in the Throat etc snow pit 3,8/10 So, Yan-Kit
soapwort 48,12, see also A Spicy Mystery Sobey, Barbara
Sobey, Barbara and Damaris Hayman
The Social History of Scottish Food and Drink (NQ) 10,65 Some Cornish Pasty Stories (NQ) 38,69 Some Puzzles from Bradley (NQ) 4,76 SOME RUSSIAN CONCEPTS OF FOOD AND COOKING, Lesley Chamberlain 8,41 SOME THOUGHTS ON THE CLASSIC FRENCH CHOCOLATE MOUSSE, Audrey Levy 50,24 SOME TREASURES IN THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE LIBRARY, Anne M Pascarelli 22,58 Sophie Coe Memorial Prize 51,7; 54,7 sorrel 3,28 soup
A SOURCE FOR A MUSHROOM SAUCE (NQ) 47,61 sourdough, starting a culture 10,62 South Carolina 41,24 SOUTH EAST ASIAN HERBS AND SPICES IN CALIFORNIA, Robert E Bond 30,11 South-East Asia
SOVIET COOK BOOKS, Sophie Coe 16,13 Sowerby, Keith
soya beans, used for tempe 5,13 Soyer, Alexis 11,67; 13,48; 29,18 SOYER'S SOUPS, Joyce Toomre 13,48 Spain
'Spanish hops' 2,73 Specialist Booksellers (NQ) 17,70; 46,49 SPECULATIONS ON PEPPERS, Elisabeth Lambert Ortiz 6,47 Spence, Jean
Sperling, Devorah S
SPICES IN MEDIEVAL RECIPES (NQ) 53,65 A SPICY ICE CREAM, Jane Levi 53,20 A SPICY MYSTERY, OR WITH SOAP ON OUR HANDS AND FOAM AT OUR MOUTHS , Helen J Saberi (with Anissa Helou and Esteban Pombo-Villar) 47,8 A SPICY MYSTERY, PART TWO, Helen J Saberi, with the INTERSPI Team 48,10 A SPICY MYSTERY, PART THREE: BOIS DE PANAMA, THE VERDICT FROM KEW, Anissa Helou 49,18 spinach 8,23
spit, for roasting 1,28 SPOON FEEDING, Myra & Lionel Stone 2,55 Spring Soup (NQ) 27,57 STACKED OMELETTE, Richard Olney 8,18 STALE BREAD AND ECONOMICAL RISSOLES, A YOUNG BIBLIOGRAPHER'S PERPLEXITIES, Deno Attar 22,9 Stallings, W S
star-anise 30,18 Starting a Sourdough Recipe from Scratch (NQ) 10,62 Stead, Jennifer
Steen, Eveline J van der
Stefani, Bartolomeo 12,8 Stephenson, Marta Maria 34,13 STERBEECK AND HIS THEATRUM FUNGORUM, Joop Witteveen 43,22 STERBEECK AND HIS THEATRUM FUNGORUM, PART II, Joop Witteveen 46,17 STEWKEY BLUES, Roy Shipperbottom 49,46 stockfish 34,7 Stokes, Paul
Stone, Lionel
Stone, Lionel and Myra
Stoneham, Geraldine (with Isobel Holland and Lynette Hunter)
STORM IN AN APPLE BARREL, Audrey le Lièvre 29,46 THE STORY OF THE BLACK TEAPOTS, Helen Gustafson 52,34 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 24,32 Strang, Jillian
strawberries, recipes for 5,7 strawberry jam 5,11 STREET FOODS IN GERMANY, Dr Erich Lück 44,46 Streeter, David
'Striebelie' (and variant spellings) (NQ) 14,60; 15,74/76 Strong Ale Allegar (NQ) 8,70 sugar
Sugarcraft (NQ) 31,59 Sugarcraft and Cake Design and Decoration (NQ) 30,63 sultanes 8,56 Sundt, Eilert 32,46,51 A Sung In Pudding (NQ) 24,59 SUPPING WITH SIBIU SAXONS, Elisabeth Luard 23,33 swamp leaf 30,27 Swedish cookery 2,73 Sweet Ingredients in Escabeche (NQ) 25,77 Sweet Lemons (NQ) 39,71 The Sweet Smell of Hot Bread (NQ) 5,69 Sweet Termites? (NQ) 28,63 sweetmeats 3,39 sweets, candle-scented of Thailand 42,25 Syglino (NQ) 6,71 syllabub 52,51-4; 53,33-44; 53,62 SYLLABUB: A FRENCH VIEW, Elizabeth David 6,56 Symons, Michael
SYMPOSIA IN TURKEY AND SPAIN, Claudia Roden and Alan Davidson 18,29 Szechuan pepper 30,26
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