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Prospect Books was founded by
Alan and Jane Davidson in 1979, at the same time as their journal of food history Petits
Propos Culinaires, which they still run today. Since 1993, Prospect Books has been owned
by Tom Jaine, but continues to publish only books about cookery, food history and the
ethnology of food. It is one of the very few British publishers to specialise in this
field and produces between four and eight books a year. (Prospect Books on Cookery from
England) |
Featuring cookbook reprints
from antiquity to the early 20th century, plus household, gardening, food and dining
history titles. Acanthus Books is your one-stop source for culinary and household history,
as well as modern culinary classics and many UK imports such as the Leeds Symposia papers,
the Oxford Symposia papers, Petits Propos Culinaires (PPC) and the complete works of
Elizabeth David and Jane Grigson. http://www.acanthus-books.com/
Serious Books for Serious Cooks |
The Food Heritage Press makes
available serious books on the history and culture of food to professional and armchair
cooks and historians. Our printed catalog contains over 150 titles from over 40 university
presses, museums, and other quality publishers, from both the USA and Canada. (http://www.shore.net/~foodbks) |

Books for Cooks
is a retail cookbook store in Baltimore, Maryland. For the last 15 years, we
have earned a reputation as one of the country's best cookbook stores. Vegetarian, Low
Fat, Low Cholesterol, High Fiber, Whole Grain, Allergy Free Cooking, Gluten Free Cooking,
Microwave, Bread Machine, Pasta Machine, Crock Pot, Slow Cooking, Pressure Pot Cooking,
Coffees and Expresso, Soups and Salads, Cajun, Seafood (bouillabaisse), Middle Eastern,
Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Italian, Latin American, American, Junior League, Arabian,
Medieval, Herbs and Spices, Smoking Food, Catering, Entertaining, Roasting, Barbecue, and
Cooking Chemistry cookbooks are all cookbook areas in our store. Each cookbook is
hand-picked by our staff . With over 5,000 cookbooks on our shelves and access to 20,000
additional cookbooks on call, we know we can get the right cookbook for you ! |
The Art of Eating - quarterly letter by
Edward Behr |
Tradition. The Art of Eating is about the best food and wine, which are, more often
than not, traditional, created when people had more time and when food was more central to
happiness than it is today. In each issue, I try to explain the logic of geography,
history, culture, and technique that make good food good that give it the finest
flavor and the most character.
http://www.artofeating.com/ |
